About the Royal Chessmen
Royal Chessmen, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non Profit whose purpose is to preserve, teach, and enhance historical combat reenactment and teach stage combat. We are open to all interested parties with nominal $20/year membership dues to cover insurance. We teach and train in stage combat similarly to the SAFD and perform at local Renaissance Faires and host our own events. All profits from events are used to cover the costs of the group, provide advanced training opportunities to members, and improve our ability to entertain the public.
As Florida’s oldest Stage Combat Troupe, The Royal Chessmen blends history and fantasy with our epic performances, featuring stunts, fight choreography and dynamic characters that have delighted Florida audiences since 1978.
A mixture of cosplay, improvisation, scripted shows, and stage combat, we perform at Renaissance Festivals, Pirate Faires, Corporate Events, and Private Parties throughout South and Central Florida.
From full Living Chess Games (battle chess) to a cast of colorful street characters to an interactive game called “The Quest,” The Royal Chessmen offers fun and flexible customized entertainment.
We are a semi-professional group that meets weekly to train and are always looking for new members to join. So if you’re interested in hiring our group to perform, or are looking to join our stage combat family, contact The Royal Chessmen at [email protected].
Where We’ve Been…
Here’s a list of the fairs and festivals where we’ve performed:
Florida Renaissance Festival
Palm Beach Renaissance Festival
Renaissance Festival of Central Florida
Treasure Coast Pirate Festival
Camelot Days Medieval Festival
Vero Beach Pirate Festival
Mizucon Anime Convention
Hire Us for your next event
The Royal Chessmen provide a variety of entertainment options for your renaissance or medieval themed festival or event. If it be pirates ye seek, we arrrrr your crew. Costumed interactive characters, games for all ages, stage combat, the Living Chess Game, and more!
Become a Chessmen
Thank You to our Supporters
We are proud to be supported by the Florida Division of Arts & Culture and Broward Arts Cultural Division.